Sunday 19 December 2010

BBC News - Heavy snow and ice bring travel chaos across UK.

Get a grip (no pun intended, honest)! I can't believe how the whole of the UK grinds to a halt with a little bit of snow! Ok, it's quite inconvenient and slightly dangerous to drive it, but do we seriously have to make such a big drama out of it?? It's quite ridiculous, I mean you don't see places like Russia and Washington behaving like pansies do we?

And if that wasn't enough, although we all moan and bitch about how dangerous it is to go outside blah blah, we all continue to go out & drive for pointless reasons (we've got at least 6 inches here and someone I know just drove to the cinema?!). And to make matters worse, noone in the UK seems to know how to drive this weather. I've seen cars bombing it down the road at 40mph and then attempting to brake. HELLO??? Don't you dare come sliding towards me and my car! And then there was an elderly man, with 3 kids in the back of the car attempting to get up a hil...but flooring the accelorator. I really wish I could have stopped to film it, however I was always on my way up this hill and I was breaking my momentum for shit :)

I may have only been driving for a year, but I think I may be one of the most sensible people on the roads! I mean, what average 20yr old has a car full of emergency blankets, a torch, emergency chocolate, water and knows not to move away in first gear??? Like my lovely Popsie <3 used to say...treat everyone on the road like they're an idiot. And my god, aren't they just???

P.S. for those of you out there bitching about the government not doing enough to make roads usable, why don't you do what they used to do 40 years back; get off your lazy arse and get shovelling!!

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